Happy Day Moment Echoes: 12.13

Appropriately, the most common word in my Happy Day Moment Facebook Page posts for December is GRACE.

And, it appears “grace” was on the hearts of many following my page as these posts were viewed the most:

  • Keep extending grace and forgiveness to others. Sometimes things aren’t as they seem.

  • It does come down to grace and God’s love. We can choose to pour grace all over. All over people. All over every situation.

  • Recognizing our need for grace enlarges our capacity to give it.

  • Have patience, show grace, and do not judge others for their glaring flaws and weaknesses.

I needed grace for this Christmas more than any gift that could be wrapped in paper and tied with a bow. The month for me was beautiful and holy and hard and lonely.

But it was His grace that touched my heart day by day as I kept the birth of Jesus as the reason for the season.  I wasn’t touched by what I received or didn’t receive; not by who I saw or didn’t see, not by lights or decorations or ornaments or food. No, this was the holiday for His grace. Always His grace that touched me.

Acceptance. And grace.

Grace that a newborn child came.

Where was your Christmas this year? Where is your heart this Christmas? Were you hurting, alone, grieving?

Know this… there is grace. He is grace.

And these are the other Happy Day Moment Echoes for December 2013;

If you’re gentle and honest with those you love, you can work through any trial together, with love and compassion.

Don’t let disappointments and difficult times fragment your joy. Look ahead, not back.

The right perspective will keep me going or cripple my progress.

Make a decision to live in your vision, not in your circumstances.

We are all under the canopy of God’s love.

Stay focused on the right things and just do the best you can.

Give freely the gifts of love and compassion. Don’t be concerned with what you’ll receive in return, just give.

May God’s love find you today, and may you share it with someone through some large or small act of kindness.

A thankful spirit can bring healing and turn all that it touches into happiness.

Let your love be directional: up to God, out to others, in to self.

Life is too short for hauling around weighty bags.

Catalog the kindnesses of each day. Look at what you have. You have much to be grateful for.

Remember, when some things are really really hard to live through, God is near to the brokenhearted.

The mystery is that our small offerings of gratitude will soften our hearts and change our perspectives in ways that can’t happen with closed hands.

The most powerful way to foster happiness is by helping others. Especially during the stressful holidays.

Assembly instructions for a good life. Step one: Love God. Step two: Love others.

Cultivate kindness and give others grace.


About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m Jama, the writer of daily Happy Day Moments, author of Then Came A Miracle, and retired Director of Midwest Writers Workshop. I’m an unapologetic Happyologist with a desire to share the importance of “living with gratitude” … finding a “moment” each day to be grateful. I’m a lover of family and girlfriends and Jesus and words and chocolate and encouraging others in their faith and in their writing. Luke 1:37.

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