Happy marathoning

What you may not know about me.

I’m a marathoner.

No, not a running-marathoner, because, you know, this paralysis thing puts the kibosh on that activity.

But I have become a TV-marathoner.¹  Thanks to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Xfinity On-Demand, I’ve become a TV-marathoner extraordinaire. I can go long distances. I have become marathon-strong. Especially in the winter. Especially when it’s -5.

In the olden days, I had to accomplish my TV-marathoning with DVDs of individual seasons of the shows I wanted to watch, or wait until channels decided to offer day-long programming. Egads. Tedious. My video shelf has the complete seasons of my marathon-watching achievements: Magnum, P.I., Friday Night Lights, Downtown Abbey, Call the Midwife, Homeland, Sherlock Holmes.

Last winter, I confess that I watched episode after episode of all three seasons of Game of Thrones. In a matter of weeks. Again, proving TV-marathon prowess. “Oh, I have time for one more,” I said in my focus to know the end of the story. To cross the finish line.

And now, the internet has improved my marathoning pursuits. No more inserting DVDs. Now there’s streaming. Glorious streaming. Cherry pie.

This winter, during numerous snowbound days of working at home, I multi-tasked data entry/emailing with the streaming of Parenthood on my Kindle Fire. Computer screen before me; Kindle to the right. Quite the talent to read and watch simultaneously.

And darn that Netflix that automatically begins the next episode. Thanks to that splendid feature, I watched all six seasons. In probably record time. Yeah, that’s 100 shows. A personal best. But to my credit (haha), I also worked on my taxes and responded to hundreds of emails while I followed what all those Bravermans were doing. Good times.

Effortless TV-marathoning. Happy moments.

Just saying. We all have our “strengths.” Now you know one of mine.

¹ It’s common knowledge that I am also a book-marathoner.

About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m Jama, the writer of daily Happy Day Moments, author of Then Came A Miracle, and retired Director of Midwest Writers Workshop. I’m an unapologetic Happyologist with a desire to share the importance of “living with gratitude” … finding a “moment” each day to be grateful. I’m a lover of family and girlfriends and Jesus and words and chocolate and encouraging others in their faith and in their writing. Luke 1:37.

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