Happy play back of 2015

Living with gratitude in the play back of 2015 … in all ways … always

…from January

Since I’ve deemed myself the Happyologist-of-the-internet, I’m going to always cheerlead the idea that we can choose to live with gratitude, that we can choose to be happy, no matter where we are in our journey, no matter what chapter of our story.

Gratitude is a life-changer. It does something to the human heart.

Even when I close my eyes at night and the day spills over my soul like a dark stain. Even when my heart is parchment. Even when the space between where I am and where I desire to be is a vast valley, and way too dry.

Even when……

So I breathe. I pray. I anchor myself to gratitude. I gather my words and share them with you.

Love does not give up. Love does not lose faith. Love is hopeful. Love endures through all circumstances.

…from February

I want to understand that every day love makes a difference. That life is a gift. That love is a gift. That each day I awake and breathe is a gift.

It’s the only gift that I have right now. And my only appropriate response is gratefulness.

Gratitude can push you through life’s slumps, thrust you over the humps, and pull you out of the dumps. ‪

…from March

When we view our situation through the lens of gratefulness, instead of a self-centered mind-set, we have the potential to be happy in spite of circumstances.

Let’s acknowledge that others are bigger than the wrong things they sometimes say and do and that we’re more than the sum of a single mistake.

You can be strong by keeping quiet and trusting God.

…from April

Don’t attach your self-worth to someone else’s opinion of you. Nourish yourself with what God says you are.

You’ll have a hard time ever being happy if you aren’t grateful for what you already have.

…from May

And yet, for all the struggles, questions, hard times, there is gratitude.

Gratitude that shines a light in every dark, desolate place. Gratitude that remembers a summer, a fruitful place.

A storm, a tempest I did not foresee. Turbulent waters. And in that storm, God made me brave. Brave to cling to Him and strong to live in that dark place, that hurt place, and yet to write flickers of light. To be prepared to see and write about moments of gratitude even when life is UNHAPPY.

When it comes to the storms of life, we need gratitude to help steer us through.

Because it lifts us above circumstance.

Because it refocuses our attention.

Time and time again, that’s what I discovered. I found that whenever I navigated any rough terrifying circumstances with gratitude—even through storms and difficult Joseph-experiences and hard places, I was encouraged, strengthened, braver.

…from June

May we look for the best in others. May we always forgive. May we never lose faith.

More than likely, you’re experienced deep, hard moments. Maybe you’re like me and are in the middle of them right now. Moments of emptiness loneliness bleakness.

And yet. (Those two words are a promise.)

And yet, for all the struggles, questions, hard times, there is gratitude.

Gratitude that shines a light in every dark, desolate place. Gratitude that remembers a summer, a fruitful place.

…from July

It’s not the stuff around us – it’s the stuff within us – that really matters.

Everybody struggles. Everybody has issues. Let’s show a bit more kindness.

…from August

Thank you for your love. This statement really sums up everything.  Your love has carried me, nourished me, shaped me, encouraged me, comforted me for 35 years. And every day you say it: “I love you.” {Happy 35th anniversary to us!}

Words of gratitude lift us above circumstance.

Sometimes the wall of difficulties we face appears too tall to scale. But the presence of gratitude lifts and carries us. We become stronger, more agile, infused with what we need, not just to face the barrier, but to search for a way around or over that we hadn’t considered before.

Words of gratitude bring us joy.

Those who live in gratitude have the most joyful lives. It’s impossible to miss the joy when we’re on the lookout for blessings. We won’t miss out on the moments when we’re present and rooted in each one as it comes.

…from September

Let the fuel of your life be love, mercy, and forgiveness.

But I also believe that that we get energy from following our passions, from committing to people and service and causes, from choosing to live with gratitude. And the fuel that creates this strength and drive comes from love and goodwill – from kindliness and humanity.

…from October

The easiest and the hardest thing to do every day is to live with gratitude, but it will transform our life if we can do it.

Don’t harbor or memorize a list of all the things you think you’ve messed up. Forgive yourself and move forward.

…from November

Let’s pause and appreciate the things we have, not the things we don’t.

Love will always have the last powerful definitive absolute word.

We can choose to be thankful and grateful, understanding the fragility of life that makes every moment so meaningful. We often waste too many moments immersing ourselves in needless distractions that steal our attention away from the things that actually matter. We should grasp the precious moments of this life and stop being distracted with the things that don’t really matter.

There is always, under the mess of life, something to be grateful for.

…from December

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

{closing 2015 with God’s grace; opening 2016 with God’s grace}

About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m Jama, the writer of daily Happy Day Moments, author of Then Came A Miracle, and retired Director of Midwest Writers Workshop. I’m an unapologetic Happyologist with a desire to share the importance of “living with gratitude” … finding a “moment” each day to be grateful. I’m a lover of family and girlfriends and Jesus and words and chocolate and encouraging others in their faith and in their writing. Luke 1:37.

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